Customer service agent


¢ 450 a 550 mil CRC

Toda Costa Rica

Publicado 19 Ene 2019

Call center / Otras

85 Vacantes

Idiomas / Otras

Sector de la vacante:

Descripción general

The agent must provide excellent support service on every single contact following the processes and policies in the most polite and professional manner accomplishing the LOB metrics. Also, the agent must be able to prompt answers, solve problems and have communication etiquette. Knowledge about internet & phone systems. Strong critical thinking and troubleshooting skills Writes and communicates clearly and effectively Resourceful and creative when solving problems

Requisitos para aplicar

Communication skills
English proficiency 85%

Competencias para la vacante

Datos complementarios



Agente / Otras

Bachillerato edu. diversificada

Asesorias / Otros

Sin experiencia

Contrato Indefinido


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